Friday, 25 November 2011

Publication Plan For Music Magazine

-Positioning statement: The customers will benefit from its features because it has a range of music, fashion trends, celebrity gossip, festivals and new artist. My magazine is different to any other music magazine because it comes with extra information on different topics that also link in with music. My magazine is aimed at mainly females, this being that its feminine fashion based.   -Frequency of publication: 1 every week
- Distribution: newsagents, supermarket, HMV
-Rationale: my approach to the magazine is very much on the latest artists and gossip for the fans, it will be in their interest. Also in the magazine will be requests, stuff that the readers what to know about because it’s their magazine.
-Style: The magazine is a informal style that covers R&B and Dance music.-Regular Content:
                Editor’s letter
                Content page
                 Training (tips on improving vocals)
                 Injury time (tips on how to recover from throat injuries or how to prevent them)
                 Scream out (all the week in pictures)  
                 3rd view (what the fans thought about events and text in messages)
                Microphone (interviews with different artists)
                New albums
                Artist fashion trends 
-Feature Content:
                Management training
                How to perform a successful show
                Festival dates and early artists performing; Wake stock, Leeds, Benicasium, V-festival etc
                Europe tours of different artists
                Reviews on concerts Katy Perry California tour
                Artist  V’s artist gossip
                 How to become the camera crew for V-festival 2012 
                EMA awards Selena Gomes’s outfit changes through out the night
                The success of Adele
                Rihanna’s loud tour at Manchester 
-House Style:
            Cover lines            Statement: Arial black
Comic sans Bold  
                Stand first:
Comic sans 18pt
Comic sans 11pt
                Features first paragraph: drop capital
Comic sans 11pt
                New first paragraph: First word
Comic sans 11pt

                Body text:
Comic sans 10pt
                Colour scheme: white, pink, brown

Monday, 21 November 2011

Conventions Of Magazine Double-Page Spreads

-Musicians photographed in a serious pose
-A stand-out quotation may be used, it will be in bigger text
-Coherant colour scheme, usually with black main text
-Usually one main image, will be bigger then the others
-Usually one or more smaller images
-Main text is laid out in columns
-Layout style matchest audiance
-Article needs a big title
-Drop capital used at the start of the article
-At the end further information may be added, e.g. releaded datse etc
-Small font used for articles, 10pt or less
-Graphics, Coloured boxes may be used to frame text
-Photos may be framed or not framed
-Standfirst photograph introduces the article, large font
-By-line states name of author/photographer
-There are no empty spaces

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Research- The Magazine Industry

Basic facts-
In the UK, there are over 3000 different “consumer magazines” but most of the main magazine titles are owned and published by a relatively small number of companies. There companies often publish magazines that are in competition with each other.
Magazine as a Business-
Magazines exist to make money for their owners. So magazines make most of their money through selling advertising space-“selling eyeballs to advertisers”. Advertisers like magazines because they enable them to reach very specific “niche” audiences.
Magazine Circulation-
Magazine publishers keep a close eye on their circulation figures, i.e. how many magazines they sell each week/month. Circulation figures are gathered by the Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC).
Which music Magazines are published by;
b) Bauer? Heat, Kerrang, Q
c) Future Publishing? Classic rock, Computer music, Future music, Guitar aficionado, Guitar legends, Guitar techniques, Guitar world, Guitarist, Metal hammer, Revolver, Rhythm, Total guitar.
What are the current figures of;
a)NME? 14.3%
b) Mojo? 4.8%
c) Uncut? 10.9%
d) Kerrang? 2.2%
e) Q? 10.1%
Name at least 5 more UK music magazines each with a different musical focus/audience?
1. Spin- their style of music in the magazine consists of; hard core punk, alternative country, reggae, world music, experimental rock and jazz.
2. Vibe- It is a music and entertainment magazine, the publication predominantly features; R&B, hip hop, music artists, actors and entertainers. This music magazine did shut down in summer 2009.
3. Mixmag- It is British dance music and clubbing magazine. It covers dance events, reviews music and club nights.
4. Creem- It’s a monthly Rock ‘n’ Roll music magazine and it was the only Rock ‘n’ Roll magazine in the 1969.
5. Clash-  Is a popular music & fashion magazine based in the UK modern bands e.g. Coldplay, as well as hip hope artists Jay-Z & Kanye West. It also features reviews.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Initial Ideas For The College Magazine - Cover And Content Page

Front Cover & Content Page; 
- Colour theme is Blue, Black, White and Pink
-Name of the magazine is: Priestly Arts
-Low price
-Weekly magazine
-Rhetorical Questions

Sketches Of Front Cover & Content Page;

Original Images;
This is my image that is on my front cover i have chosen this image becuase it reflects on the art department, it is a image from the fashion show.

This image has been chosen because the art department is buliding a new building so i look a picture of the progress of the building.

I took this picture from when other students have been to berlin becuase there is another trip this year
The Finished Front Cover and Content Pages;
Front Cover & Content Page Evaluation
My cover name is Priestly Arts. I have chosen this because my magazine is to do with the arts department. The colour scheme that I have used is blue, black, white and pink. The pink colour is taken from a colour that is on the garment from the image. I have made it so my rhetorical questions are in the same colour also the colours are taken from the Priestley's Colleges colours. The image reflects on the art department because it is a garment that has been made in textiles by a student and been displayed at a fashion show. Having a bar code is critical and the price is important so that the customer is provided with the price of the magazine and the magazine can be scanned when it is bought. I have chosen to make my magazine weekly, so this provides updates to the students. I have put rhetorical questions on my front cover, by doing this I was hoping to attract students to be drawn in and interested to the information inside.
Every magazine will have a message from the editor; I’m the editor of this magazine so I have made a message from me. I have laid out my magazine so there is image's to the page number to give a insight on what would be in the magazine on them pages. I tried to keep it simple but effective and giving all the information that is necessary for a content page.